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Ozempic (semaglutide)

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Qinlock (ripterinib)

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How It Works

What should you do if your doctor prescribes a medicine that is not available where you live?


Request your medicine and upload your prescription


We’ll provide you with paperwork details and a price estimate


Confirm your order and make a payment


Receive your medicine and start your treatment



On this page you can find the answers to many questions that our customers frequently ask us.

Who is Orphandrug.co.uk?

Orphandrug.co.uk is a consulting company dedicated to helping patients access essential medicines. As a RiverPharma Initiative, it operates under RiverPharma, a UK-based consulting company specializing in pharmaceutical access and orphan drug supply.

We offer a wide range of services to ensure that patients obtain their required medicines through secure and legal channels. All our products are sourced exclusively from GDP-certified suppliers in the European Union (EU), Canada, and the United States (USA), ensuring the highest quality standards.

Orphandrug.co.uk is with you every step of the way to manage access to medicines in the fastest, safest, and most cost-effective way. Our entire process complies with legal regulations, and patient safety remains our top priority.

When Can Unapproved Medicines Be Legally Purchased?
How do we ensure the authenticity of medicines?
Why Do You Need a Prescription?